[TIL] MySQL Practice Problems Part 1



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[TIL] MySQL Practice Problems Part 1

Useful Functions in MySQL


Programmers Problems

  • ORDER BY with two keys

      select animal_id, name, datetime from animal_ins
      order by name (asc), datetime desc
  • Q. Animal name with the earliest joined date

      select name from animal_ins
      where datetime = (
          select min(datetime) from animal_ins
      -- Different way
      SELECT name 
      from animal_ins
      order by datetime asc
      limit 1
  • CASE END statement

    : Q. print 'N' if freezer_yn is NULL

      select warehouse_id, warehouse_name, address, 
      (case when freezer_yn is null then 'N'  
            else freezer_yn end) as freezer_yn
      from food_warehouse
      where address like '경기도%'
      order by warehouse_id
  • OR, AND in WHERE

      select dr_name, dr_id, mcdp_cd, substring_index(hire_ymd, ' ', 1) from doctor
      where mcdp_cd = 'CS' or mcdp_cd = 'GS' --- mcdp_cd = 'CS' or 'GS' not acceptable
      order by hire_ymd desc, dr_name asc
  • SUBSTRING_INDEX by whitespace as a key

      select book_id, substring_index(published_date, ' ', 1) as published_date from book
      where published_date between '2021-01-01' and '2021-12-31' and
            category = '인문'
      order by published_date
  • LIKE operator


          substring_index(start_date, ' ', 1) as start_date,        
          substring_index(end_date, ' ', 1) as end_date, 
              when datediff(end_date, start_date) + 1 >= 30 then '장기 대여' 
              else '단기 대여' 
           end) as rent_type
      where start_date between '2022-09-01' and '2022-09-30'
      order by history_id desc